Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nobody puts Howard in a trashcan!

So I've never used this blogger thing.  I'm using it now to post my pretty funny recap for Falling Skies, which is a show I love by the way.  So this is all in fun. Anyway, I'd like a place to store them all so that I can keep track.  Maybe I'll even add some old ones I have for the show Heroes here at a later date.

Camp Mass, Auditorium of Bad Film

Lots of people: *Watch some lame cartoon and laugh rather inappropriately.*
People at home:P *laugh uncontrollably* 
The Lab -aka- Some classroom

Glass: So, not to be the bearer of bad news but your kid might sometime soon spout a shell and become all homicidal.
Tom: That is... inconvenient. 

A Classroom -aka- Battle Strategy Central

Tom: Weaver is batshit crazy!
Weaver: I am not. Lock him up!
Convenient Military trained soldier: *looks confused and happy at the same time*
CMTS: Sir? Because he is questioning your ability to lead?
Weaver: NO! Because he isn't as clean shaven as the rest of us.
CMTS: Sure!
Jimmy: WTF? 


Hal: *goes on scouting mission with girlfriend #3*
Maggie: *never questions anything*
Hal and Maggie: *come back*
Jimmy: *tattles on Weaver*

Skitters: *are allegedly all over the road* 

Radio Thingy Place

Old Guy: *plays with a radio*
Ben: *helps him and hears crazy Skitter radio waves and dolphins squeeking*
Old Guy: Ben, I have to go do something. See you later.
Ben: *sneaks back in and stares at the plot point*
Rick: I want to go home.
Ben: You are home.
Rick: No, with my real family, who loves me. You know the creepy aliens who abducted me, stuck some creepy thing in my spine and then pretty much molested me us on a daily basis. Don't you want to go to?
Ben: Umm, no not really. Although, my brother is stealing all the play around here.
Rick: You feel the change. I know you do.
Ben: WTF AM I????????

All the while Pope has been babysitting the youngest Mason, growing tree's, knitting sweaters with "Go 2nd Mass" and building bombs and other Weapons of Mass Alien Destruction! 

WMAD Central

Weaver: Yo Pope!
Pope: *grumbles something witty*
Weaver: You know those things I told you to make?
Pope: The pastries? In the kitchen...
Weaver: Not the pastries, the bombs! But the pastries were good!
Pope: Sorry I get confused with my many diverse jobs around here. Yes the bombs. They are awesome!
Weaver: Can you make more?
Pope: I can but it will make the fuse so small that everyone will die!
Weaver: Awesomesauce! Just do it.
Pope: YES!

*Meanwhile A crew led by Jimmy (yes, it actually happened)  manages to break Tom out of his cell in the basement. Tom uses his super history teacher skills to disarm and smackdown the Professionally trained soldier guarding him* 

Dr.'s Quarters

Dai: *wakes up*
Dai: *is badly injured from earlier mission that I didn't mention yet becuase no one cared*
Dai: Weaver.... lies..... Other mass' not checking in.... ABORT! ABORT! *cough* *gag* 

WMAD Production Central!

Tom: Yo Pope! Stop talking to my kid you dirt bag!
Pope: Right, like you care about the little one, no one ever even knows where he is. What is this really about?
Tom: Your right, I think. It's about something else. Weaver lied, the other Masses didn't check in and he wants to attack on our own.
Pope: And?
Tom: Not good.
Pope: He told me to make lots of bombs.
Tom: Can you diffuse them? I'd ask nicely but I know you wont listen so I'll put my gun in your face but then after you agree I'm going to take it away and leave you alone so don't let me down.
Pope: *blinks*

Somewhere in Boston another woman falls in love with Hal! 


Tom and company: *trap Weaver*
Weaver: WTF is this about?
Tom: I know you have been doing drugs and stuff. (Oh yeah, forgot to mention that earlier too. Weaver was on drugs)
Weaver: AND! All the cool Colonels are doing it.
Tom: Give the people a chance to make their own decision.
Weaver: Nope, not gonna happen.
Tom: I had Pope diffuse the bombs.
Pope: *runs in gun blazing*
Tom: Syke! But I did steal the fuses myself because Pope is a douche bag!
Pope: Lets blow some stuff up and then have a nice souffle!
Glass: Weaver, We want to follow you we just have to have faith in you.
Tom: Have faith in us like we have faith in you.
Gun: *is in Weavers face*
Weaver: This is what you call faith? Really? Guns in my face?
Jimmy: *looks longinly at the Colonel*
Jimmy: Colonel?
Weaver: *looks in a very odd way at Jimmy*
Weaver: Jimmy?
The whole thing: *is uncomforatable*
Glass: *files this away as somehting to look in to*
Weaver: *Has changed his mind in a matter of seconds*
Weaver: Jimmy! Gather the peeps and tell them we have to talk. Tom, come with me because you are the yin to my yang and stuff. I want to blow shit to death and you want to talk shit to death. Lets let people decide. 

Movie Theatre/Meeting Hall

People: *wait anxiously*
Weaver: So, basically Porter is dead. The other Mass' are probably dead and lets be honest we will most likely be dead soon too so why don't we just blow some stuff up! I need 50 fighters. Not the attractive ones though because you will have to be around for season 2!
Pope: *reaches in his bag of hats and pulls out the one that says: "Reluctant Fighter."*
Red Shirts: *start volunteering*
Hal: I'm in!
Tom: WTF?
Hal: You're right, he doesn't make sense, but he also does. I just, have to do this. You know, for mom and girlfriend #1. 

Glass:  *Wishes Tom's stupid kids would stop mentioning "Mom."*
Weaver: Meet me outside! 

Weaver: Tom, thank you for showing me the error of my ways! You are the best 2nd in command ever! Besties again?
Tom: Besties!
Weaver: You have to stay here and defend the fort.
Tom: I wish I was going, except not really.

Tom: You don't have to do this. There will be other battles.
Hal: But I do! Someone attractive has to go on this mission!
Tom: Be safe. I love you.
Hal: Of course you do! Everyone does.
Hal's Afro:  *is sadly missing from this episode*

The Calvary: *gets ready to head out*
Warren G: Regulators!!!!!!!! Mount up!

End of part 1.

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